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Position Hub

Welcome to the IAAH White Papers and Position Papers Hub, a dedicated resource for allied healthcare professionals and the general public. Here, we present our official stance on critical issues within the field of oral health, aiming to advocate for best practices, educate, and unify the community. Each month, we publish insightful papers on topics ranging from collaboration in patient care, disparities in access to care, tongue ties, and oral health, to proposed industry standards and professional guidelines. These papers are freely accessible to all, reflecting our commitment to fostering knowledge and advancing the field. We invite you to explore our latest publications and join the IAAH to help shape the future of dental hygiene, engage in meaningful discussions, and drive the field forward together.

November 2024- RDH Role in OMT

 2024- State Of The Field

October 2024- Access to Care

September 2024- Collaboration

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